Monday, July 8, 2019

How to fix junk or spam mail setting in SBCGlobal.Net mail account

SBCGlobal is a webmail service used by millions worldwide. It is administered and controlled by AT&T. The company provides a comprehensive mail service to its users and as it has millions of subscribers, SBCGlobal never delays in solving any issue. SBCGlobal is like any other email service that you are using right now. SBCGlobal has also been the reputed company for its customer service. You can visit the SBCGlobal support team to know SBCGlobal.Net Email Settings.

SBCGlobal receives many junk emails like any other email services on a daily basis. But the majority of its get filtered out by the SBCGlobal servers, itself. But some junk emails that enter in the account of the users somehow.

In this article, we will provide you information about how to fix or setup junk or spam mail setting in the SBCGlobal.Net mail account.

A Junk or Spam mail can easily clog up your inbox and may become a gateway for the viruses and suspicious malware. However, you can easily setup those emails on the junk folder by going into the setting of your SBCGlobal mail account. Or, you can also report a single email to the ‘SBCGlobal email support’. You can also call on SBCGlobal phone number for SBCGlobal Email Settings.
Here is how to do it.

How to report an email

  1. First, go to your SBCGlobal mail page and click on the Mail to log into the account.
  2. Now, you will land up on your account page. Can you see a Spam message on the Inbox tab? Enable it by clicking on it.
  3. After that, click on the Spam drop-down menu. You will see Report Spam, click on it.
  4. That’s it! Now the SBCGlobal email server will receive your request to block the specific message and remove junk email from your account.
You can also create a Spam setting in order to avoid junk or spam emails on your SBCGlobal email account. To know more about SBCGlobal Mail Settings, you can call SBCGlobal support helpline.

How to create Spam setting on SBCGlobal email account

  1. You require to log into your email login account for this. After logging in, click on the ‘Cogwheel’ icon and select Mail Options from the drop-down list.
  2. Now select General under the ‘Mail Options’ and then click on the menu button under the spam protection section. You will be able to set up SBCGlobal POP setting for your SBCGlobal mail account. Here you can select the settings for your Spam messages.
  3. Lastly, click on the ‘save’ button to apply the changes.

How To Block Email Addresses

  1. Open your SBCGlobal mail account by logging into that and then click on the Cog wheel icon.
  2. Select Advanced options from the drop-down list and select Blocked addresses.
  3. Now enter the email address you want to block into the empty box. Click on the Add button. After you set up the setting the email will be automatically deleted in the future.
For further instructions on the SBCGlobal.Net email settings, please call on SBCGlobal phone number or visit the official AT&T website.


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SBCGlobal is one of the best-known and best-known email service providers today, and people have been very reliant on it. Recently this ema...